As the saying goes, you can’t polish a turd. I mean…I didn’t agree with a lot of Clinton’s positions, but at least she was intellectually sharp. Joe Biden is a piece of stale Wonder Bread. You can’t build a team around that.
I hope Donald Trump wins in a landslide, I really do.
Because the Democratic Party just doesn’t get it. They keep putting up milquetoast candidates and scratching their heads when they lose to clowns. People want CHANGE. They want it so badly, they’re willing to vote for a reality TV star just to watch the world burn.
If Biden wins (I highly doubt it), the timid, conservative elements of the Democratic Party are going to think, “Clinton was just a FLUKE. This couldn’t possibly happen again.” But it will. It’s going to keep happening.
Obviously, I don’t want Trump to win. But the issues facing our country and our world won’t get solved unless Democratics wake up to their own bullshit.
You can’t fight fire with Wonder Bread.
We keep focusing on “this” election, but we can’t save America in one election. And we can’t afford to trade victories with Republicans. The status quo is not sustainable. Democrats need to win and KEEP winning. We need candidates that whip up the wildfires of change.
Bernie knew that. It’s time to stop sabotaging “radical” candidates. In a post-facts world, they’re the only hope we have against clowns.